Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I'm feeling a bit down today. My mom, who got here on Saturday and was supposed to stay until Friday, had to leave today because my Grandma Smith (her mom) has had a massive stroke and is laying on life support in a hospital in Utah. I'm wishing I were there with my family. And because of this, my thoughts have been consumed by the influence and power a mother can and does have over her children.

A little over a month ago, we were playing hide and go seek as a family one night. I was hiding in the kitchen while Brad counted, and Nick ran over to join me. He sat on my lap, looked up at me with a huge grin on his face and said "I love you, Mom." This is not something he iniates saying on his own very often, and I melted. He was so happy and was having so much fun. It reminded me of my favortie quote from my favorite talk:
"Recognize that the joy of motherhood comes in moments.
There will be hard times and frustrating times.
But amid the challenges, there are shining moments of
joy and satisfaction." -M. Russel Ballard

Nick has grown up a lot lately. I'm finally starting to feel like my consistency is paying off (er...maybe he's just growing and maturing). All I know is that I love this boy. And I'm grateful to a Father in Heaven who helps me with my patience and dilligence to try and be the kind of mother he, and Chase, deserve.

PS- Tonight Chase purposefully knocked over and broke a vase that he knows he's not supposed to touch. While on time out he sang "Love At Home" at the top of his lungs.
It was awesome! :)


Alisha said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry about your Gma :( I'll keep your family in my prayers.

Thank you for sharing that quote. I remember hearing it the first time but I really needed the reminder today.

MBurt said...

Oh, I can almost taste the way you said "it was awesome!", the biting sarcasm. YES, I have been there. You are a great mom, don't forget it. I am also grateful for the quote and probably need to read the whole talk. What's the title? I printed the quote to hang on my mirror. Hope your grandma is okay.

Kate said...

OH so so sweet. We all wish you guys were here too. Last night I had a dream that you moved next door and I was helping you move in! (I'll keep dreaming until it comes true!)

Love that quote and think I need to post it right next to my computer to read everyday.


PS laughed out loud when I read about chase's singing! Man I miss you guys!

Becky said...

Sorry to hear about your grandma! You're a good mother. When I think about the kind of mom I want to be, you always pop up in my mind. Love you!

Amy said...

Thanks for sharing this and the quote! I am printing it out and putting it somewhere that I will see it everyday. I need that reminder everyday I think...miss you!

Mallory said...

Hi Bekah! Sorry for your lose. Hope you're doing ok.

I miss the boyz! haha, Chase! hahahaha. What a sweet little boy! So sweet about Nick too.

PS-I love you're new profile layout! And you guys!