Monday, March 9, 2009

Look who's WALKING...

My boys are a bit on the slow side to reach big physical milestone such as crawling and walking. Both were about 9.5 months old when they started crawling sufficiently and about 13.5 months old when they started walking. With Nick, I was a bit of an obsessive freak about these things and would try to practice with him, encourage him, and do whatever I could to help him crawl/walk. With Chase, I could care less. I knew he would get it eventually, and he has! He started taking about 3 steps at a time a couple weeks ago, and I would say that today is the first day that he chose to walk more than crawl. Don't mind his ghetto outfit. He's such a messy kid that I have to change his clothes at least twice a day, and since my laundry day is tomorrow, we were down to the onesie and sweats by the end of the day today. But look at my big boy walk! I love how Nick gets so excited for him. He's a very attentive and loving big brother.


Let the Good Times Roll said...

Oh Bekah, he is SO CUTE! I think it is the cutest thing when little kids start walking. They are just so proud of themselves. What a cutie.

Mindy said...

He is so cute! I wish I could see him in person. One question though-does Nick ever wear pants??? Haha. I can't wait to see you guys.


Lori said...

How fun! Just in time for your trip! Have a great time.

Alisha said...

Yay Chase! Way to go! Mine are slow too with motor skills. Alexa just rolled from her back to tummy for the first time yesterday-- she's 7 months old!!! I'm in no hurry though!

The Stanford Bunch said...

YAY Chase! Soooo cute! Did you change the toy room to a bedroom??

Mallory said...

What is this! Thanks for posting him walking! I love it! I want to see more!..and in person wouldn't hurt either...I'm going to have to go out there soon...

Shan said...

Way to go, Chasey! I love your smile and little panting noises.
I also love Nick's cheertleading. He loves his brother.

Douglas Family said...

Congrats to Chase - so cute. Way to go mom!

Kerrah said...

Oh I miss you guys, and hope you're feeling better. Chase is so cute, I love the teeter tottering of these little beginnging walkers. Alex has been a late bloomer too, it's good though, they grow up too fast anyway. I also love the sibling rivalry, we have that at our house too. Cute boys!!!

Unknown said...

I love the walk!!

bubba said...

Not only is he the cutest boy ever, next to nick of course, but that walk couldn't be any cuter. Mark and I just giggled at the cuteness. lol.

Ashley Rae said...

Hey, Bekah! I'm glad you have a blog- they are so convenient. :)

What a cute video. I love it when babies start to walk/toddle. And it's awesome how big brother is showing how he can toddle, too. Adorable boys, you have!