Sunday, May 24, 2009

Loving this...

With Jen here for the week and our dear friend Emily visiting for the night, I am reminded of how much I like having some GIRLS in my life to laugh and talk and talk and talk with. Maybe someday I'll have a daughter...

But for now, I'll just enjoy these wonderful BOYS...
Here's Chase in his new spot under the piano, just chillin' and eating a very appetizing looking banana. Yum.
Whilst playing outside the other day, Nick asked me to come sit around his camp fire and roast marshmallows. I love seeing what this kid comes up with.

I love these boys!

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Mallory said...


Meg said...

I wish I could have been there with you and Jen. Can we please get together when I move to Ohio? I know it will be a bit of a drive for boh of us but totally doable. How cute is the campfire. I love that!

theminerfamily said...

Oh how jealous I am! I am glad you got to get together! Are you coming to Utah this summer? I REALLY want to see you... if not, I think I 'll have to take a road trip from A2 this fall.

M said...

How fun to have Em join you! Your boys get more darling every time I visit your blog. I don't think I know a more adoring mother.

megantonesforever said...

Bekah! So, I was doing some blog stalking and I happened upon your blog! This is Megan (Linde). Wow, 2 cute boys. I think last I saw you was Souper Salad and you might have been engaged (6 or 7 years ago?) What a sweet family, I'm going to stalk you more often. O.K.?