Tuesday, November 6, 2007

#1 Daddy

I am constantly amazed by how much Nick loves, adores, and worships Brad! He wants to do everything he does, and when Brad is there, Nick won't pay attention to anyone else. Luckily, Brad feels the same way about Nick! These boys are definitley two peas in a pod! I joke that hopefully the next kid will like me, 'cause Nick wants Brad for everything. I'm so thankful that Brad loves being a dad and is so wonderful at it! I'm one lucky girl!

Picture 1: A few Sundays ago, Nick saw Brad putting his tie on and immediately started saying, "My turn, my turn!" He looked so cute with it on, I had to take a picture. Nick wants to copy everything Brad does!

Picture #2: We have a little play tent that Brad sets up for Nick. Last Friday night, Nick put absolutely everything he could fit in it: a basketball, a kickball, his chair, 7 pillows, 3 blankets, and oh yeah, BRAD! You can see a sliver of his face if you look closely!

Picture 3: "Racing" back to the car after a morning spent at the pumpkin patch. Brad makes a fun game out of everything. No wonder Nick loves him!

Picture #4: Brad helping Nick pet a bunny at a local farm. As soon as the bunny flinched, Nick freaked out and wanted nothing to do with it!

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Jared and Dani said...

thanks for sharing! I've linked you so I can check up on you now!

Nicole said...

so cute--i love the tent story!

Amy said...

So cute! Dads and their boys have the best bond! Will loves to be with Ryan! Whenever Ryan gets home Will just lights up! I am so excited to keep in touch with you-I just started blogging too! Love your "Dudley" Oldroyd cousin, Amy

Kate said...

Bradley IS such a good Daddy and Nick is sure to let is show! I'm excited to be with you guys this weekend. And I thought I'd let you know YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED! Check out my blog.

Anonymous said...

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Martha said...

I'm so excited for Marian to talk and say cute things. I think she's definitely a daddy's girl and has been since Day 1. My only advantage is that I'm home with her all day!

The Forbes Family said...

Hey guys - I just found your blog through Phil and Mindy's website! I didn't know that Nick was such a Brad-worshipper!
Our blog is www.familiaforbes.blogspot.com if you want to link to it. (We don't do such a good job keeping it current, though.)

Unknown said...

Duds!! I had no idea you had a blog! I found your site from Firefly's. Hooray! I'm so excited I found it. Your family is so adorable.

Julie said...

Hey you! I found your blog through Sassy and I'm sure glad I did! Your little guy is adorable and so is your cute pregnant belly!

Julie said...

P.S. It's Cricket!