Friday, November 14, 2008

Nick's 3 year old pictures

I'm in Philly this weekend and Katie worked her magic again today with Nick. Check out my little 3-yr-old!


Maralee Faith Dudley Del Rio said...

Oh Bek! They're so great! Kudos to Kate and Nick. He's adorable. How'd you get him to smile so well?

The Stanford Bunch said...

those are soooo cute!!

April said...

Oh my heck Coliape, he is so cute! Watch out for all the girls that are going to fall in love. Would it bother you to have me as your daughter-in-law?

Anonymous said...

What a good lookin fella!

Katie is good!

Nick did too! :)

Amy said...

so darling, but that doesn't surprise me since he is your kid! katie did a great job! What a cutie!

Dean Family said...

Ohhh he is the sweetest thing ever. Those are so cute! Great work Katie!

Jen and Ty said...

those pictures are to die for. I am so impressed not only with Katie, but with how cute Nick is. I miss you!

Ali J said...

Very cute!

Kate said...

How on earth did you leave my house without me getting you a CD of these?! Good thing next time you come we'll have LOADS of time to do this stuff :)

I love you!

rachel said...

Becca, those pictures are so great! Thanks for posting them.

the andersons said...

wow, those pictures are great!

Nicole said...

DARLING! katie did a fantastic job, and nick is ridiculously cute.

bubba said...

Super super cute pics. He is a great choice for Sydney. Wouldn't it be funny if it really happened. :)

The Ottosen Family said...

Those are adorable pictures!!!

Unknown said...

These pictures are awesome! (and so are you!)

M said...

I can't believe he's THREE! He's absolutely adorable! I love Katie's work, too. I met your brother at Cowboy Grub yesterday with Jen and Martha. He's adorable, too. Hope you're doing well!

Heather said...

Wow, those pictures are amazing! I can't believe how big nick has gotten. He is so adorable!