Saturday, March 5, 2011

What I do...

Last week I was composing a long overdue email to a dear friend. She had asked what was new with us, and as I set about to answer the question, I found myself staring at my computer screen, stumped. What is new with us. Why do I feel like I'm so busy, going from kid #1, to kid #2, to kid #3, all day long, but also feel like I get nothing done? So as the days have flown by this week, I've found myseld compiling a list (although not completely all inclusive) in my head of what it is, exactly, that I do.

1. Get up
2. Pray, read scriptures, exercise
3. Shower
4. Nurse my baby (6 times per day)
5. Prepare meals and snacks (5 times per day)
6. Supervise piano practicing and reading lessons (kid #1)
7. Do puzzles, build train tracks, potty train (kid #2)
8. Change diapers, smile, and baby talk (kid #3)
9. Clean. And clean. And clean some more.
10. Drive; pre-school, errands, piano and gymnastics
11. Put kids to bed (baths, pj's, teeth, family scripture study and prayer, books, songs)
12. Spend what feels like 10 minutes with my hubby before he works out and prepares seminary
13. Pray and go to bed
14. Repeat and repeat and repeat

***Disclaimer: I am not complaining. Fact is, I've never been happier. But now you know why I get that glazed over look in my eyes when people ask me "What's new with you?"

But here are some new things that have added excitement to my life:

Brad's sister, Mallory, is getting married next month! No one has gotten married in either sides of our families since we did, 7.5 years ago, so this is exciting! Welcome to the family, Jeff!

Also, the ever amazing sister-in-law Kate started a food blog! Wahoo!
And lastly, my friend Cooper took some 3 month pictures of my Cora girl. Here are some of my faves:

You can check out Cooper's work at


Kate said...

aaahhhhh WE LOVE THAT CORA!!! Those ones where she is smilling are soooo sweet. Can't wait to see you all NEXT MONTH :) xoxo

Alisha said...

Cora is so beautiful! And I totally relate to your daily routine! Keep up the good work!!

Mallory said...

Three months! She is the prettiest little girl I know! Can't wait to see her next month, among the boys and you!

Micah said...

I love the three month pictures! SO cute! Thanks again for hanging out on Friday with me- I had a blast!!!

MBurt said...

I love that you made a list. The only sad part is that all of our lists are very similar yet we live so far apart. I am looking forward to warmer weather so I can add swinging, digging, running, playing, swimming, etc. to the list. Cora is a cutie. Glad you are loving life. Three kids is fun.

Nicole said...

aw, she is darling.

love your list.