Friday, June 13, 2008

Nick's first C R U S H

We have the best neighbors and friends here in State College, and Nick has recently become enamered with their daughter, Morgan. Not only is she polite, kind, generous, silly, beautiful, and blonde, but she's an o l d e r w o m a n ..... 5, to be exact. The odd thing is, Nick isn't really great at playing with other kids yet. He still mostly plays along side them. When we're with Morgan he just watches her and says everything she says and copies everything she does. When we're not with her he asks me about her constantly. "Morgan at her house?" "Morgan at a party?" "Is Morgan sick?" "Morgan come to my house and play?" And since Morgan's mom is the greatest gal ever, I take every opportunity I can to encourage Nick and Morgan's friendship (I hope you're not sick of us, Melissa!). Thanks for always being so nice to Nick, Morgan! We love you!
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Mallory said...

That is so cute!!! Go Nick!...She kinda looks a bit like Ella.

joel and laura michelle said...

haha, that is tooo cute. well it's never too early to start arranging their marriage! matt's oldest, warren, has a girlfriend/wife-to-be that he met when matt was at law school. to this day, warren talks about ashlyn and how that's who he is going to marry. it's been 4 years sine he's seen her, and he's still "in love"! so watch out!

Dean Family said...

Wow, what can I say...Becca you are such an amazing friend. Morgan and I love your family so much!!! Nick is the cutest kid ever and we would love to be friends forever!!!