Friday, August 7, 2009


Once upon a time I worked at a magical and beautiful place called Oakcrest. Actually, twice upon a time, as I did it the summer of 2002 and 2003. I dare say that Oakcrest (an LDS girls camp for 12 and 13 year olds) is something people don't understand the significance of unless they've worked there, so I won't even try to describe what exactly it is and what it means to me. I'll just say (as cheesy as it sounds), that I grew up there. I gained a solid testimony of the LDS church there. I discovered who I was and what I wanted out of life there. And last Sunday I got to go back with two of my best friends, Lindsey and Becky, that shared those same experiences with me, to give a little fireside to the 2009 staff. It made me feel old...and it made me feel grateful.


emily mcd said...

Oh how I love and look up to these 3 gorgeous girls. :) Love is GUSHING from my heart to yours Duds! Love, Soonkyste

April said...

Oh I love Oakcrest too, and I too "grew up" there in a lot of ways! I wish I could have seen your guys' fireside, I'm sure it was amazing! I love you!

Kristin Dyer said...

I just had to hop on to see how you were doing. I love this post. It reminded me of the good times at Camp. I sure do love you and all that you taught me. I truly gained my testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith at camp, along with many other things. Too many to count. Thanks for taking me back. Buckwheat