Sunday, July 12, 2009

Art Festivals Galore...

This week flew by and was filled with fun. I love the laid back days of summer where we have nothing we HAVE to do and can just go play and fun. We hit the State College Arts Festival twice this week, first on kids day. Every craft that is sold is made by kids and it's so fun to walk around and see all the talent. Here are the boys:

I don't know why blogger flipped some of these pictures back around even though I rotated and saved them. Just tilt your head to the right a bit. This one is of Chase showing me the stick he found and was very excited about:

They had some fun activities that the kids could do, like cookie decorating. Here's Nick with his masterpiece:

And our cute friend Olivia enjoying hers:

And, of course, the Chase-man, who made a huge mess:
They also got to paint a picture on an easel, which they thought was super cool:

After all the sugar and activities, poor Chase was plum tuckered out. I don't remember the last time he fell asleep in the stroller:

We went to Spring Creek Park the next day, just the three of us. It's our favorite park, and one that we frequent often. It has a creek that the boys wade and throw rocks in, a huge sand area, and a great little playground. But of course the only picture I took was of them on the airplane:

The next day the boys and I went to the local Boalsburg People's Choice Arts Fest. They had a little train that toured the fest, which was a big hit. That night we met some dear friends of ours at the adult part of the SC Arts Festival. We had a picnic and then walked around to see the sites. I can't believe how creative and talented people are! Here are my boys with their cute friend Simon:

They had some spectacular side-walk chalk displays. These were mine and Nick's favorites:

The other exciting thing that happened this week was that Nick learned how to write his name. During art time on Monday he was writing some letters and I said "Nick, do you want me to teach you how to write your name?" to which he responded, "I already can do that, Mommy!" And he proceeded to write this (again,tilt your head to the right. Stupid computer):

It's not perfect by any means, but I had no idea he could even do it! My little boy is growing up! I'm excited that he's excited about learning new things! And we LOVE summer!


Mallory said...

I am going to this next summer!!! I wanted to this yr, but forgot. So, next yr make sure to remind me!

Kate said...

what fun! i wish we were there to go with you! miss you guys, we can't wait until august :)

Mel said...

Your boys are so handsome - I just can't get over it. Way to go Nick!

Kerrah said...

Beck, looks like you're having fun! Those boys are so cute, too bad we can't all live in one place, have all we need(the right school for our husband, ect.) and hang out all the time, someday you will live closer right? Love ya!

joel and laura michelle said...

i can't get over how handsome your little guys are!!!! what a fun family day :)

Shan said...

Bek, It's fun to see what you've been doing. The arts festival looks so fun! Let's do something like that when you come here...I love you...16 more days until you're here!

Becky said...

look how cute your family is! Come back to Utah RIGHT NOW! Please!?!?

bubba said...

You have the cutest family ever. Love ya.

Melissa said...

So cute- I loved seeing all the pictures, they are all growing up so fast! Miss you and love you tons! I love the picture of you and Brad, how fun. We miss it!

rachel said...

Go Nick!