Wednesday, October 14, 2009


In the last few days...

I have cried 3 times
And prayed a lot more than that.

I've been swung at
and kicked at
and yelled at
and whined to

I've comforted meltdowns
and had some of my own

I've cleaned up thrown food
and toys
and dishes
and thrown food
and toys
and dishes

I've taken temperatures
and given medicine
and reassured and held and kissed

I've threatend and yelled more than usual
And I think he might have spent more time
in timeout yesterday than out of it

I've contemplated child psychologists
and therapists
and some[more]good self-help parenting books

I've felt like a failure
and I've questioned myself
and what I've done to this kid
to make him act the way he does sometimes
And I've wondered why in the world I thought it was okay to live
so far away
from my mother and Katie

And while the moments seem few
I've also read books
and cuddled
and played with toys
and taught valuable life lessons (right?)
and instilled responsibility
that actions have consequences

I've smiled
and laughed
and felt proud
that he is mine
And I have hope
that this is just a phase
that this too shall pass
And it will all be worth it.


emily said...

bek! sounds like you are going through a rough time. just know that you are a WONDERFUL mom! seriously. you are one that i really look up to. you haven't done anything to cause this. your example is such a good one. i love you!

Nielsen Familia said...

Oh boy, I'm sorry. I am NOT looking forward to those times with Sarah, and I'm sure they are coming. I'm pretty sure EVERY kid has "those times." I can tell you are a wonderful Mother, so it's not you ;)

Shan said...

Oh, my daughter, I am so proud of you. Times like this are tough; but you are an excellent mother. You only get stressed and upset because you care so much about him, but he'll be fine. Honestly, he is a very good kid with an exceptionally good heart.Try to keep things in perspective. Neither one of you is feeling great lately, and it's bound to show in your interactions. Nick needs and loves you. You are so easy to love, Bek. Keep praying,it's the best remedy. I love you...Mom

The Bish Fam said...

Reading this was good for me because it was like putting a lot of my own thoughts into words. All I know is this age is hard (but fun). I definitely feel some of that same pain. Hopefully, things get a little more manageable :) xoxo

Kate said...

Oh Beks, you just made me cry because I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL! Why is motherhood so hard sometimes?! I often ask myself, we are happy right? Even though I know the answer is always yes, it's easy to get down on the day to day things. Especially when our beautiful boys push our buttons!
I know you are an amazing Mommy who loves her boys beyond the moon and back. My friend Nikki just did a great post on how hard yet wonderful Mommy-hood is, go read it. I love you Bekah and miss you and your family sooooo much. xoxo

PS this is totally off the subject, but I found a recipe called "sister baby's pie" I think in celebration of us being "sister women" let's bake it together when you come to SLC. Oh man I miss you, let's just be neighbors OK!

Douglas Family said...

I really think every kid goes through this time and if you are a good parent it is really hard for a while, but better later on. If you are a bad parent it will be worse later. Luckily you are just going to have to endure this for a short time because you are a great mom. If you need anything call!

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way...Auri has been having MAJOR tantrums lately. Sometimes I just want to scream along with her....sometimes I do.

Man, kids are hard.

Although, Im sure that when she is a teenager and talking back to me, I'll wish for the two year old tantrum....:)

sadie said...

great post!!i LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair. truly! and as much as i do miss you, i've lacked the time for a good quality chat. we'll get it in. maybe this weekend if my sick kid gets better enough to go to UT with her dad like she is supposed to.
and remember- kids all go through phases, by no fault of the parent. don't worry. you are a beautiful mom.

Janelle said...

Bekah, thank you for this post. I'm having a similar time with Ella and it was good to be reminded that I'm not alone (and neither are you)

Hang in there, we can hope and pray it will get better soon!

Becky said...

Although I don't have kids of my own, I sorta feel your pain, because I deal with kids who act like that everyday at school. It is SO tiring emotionally and physically. I know you're a great mom and I know you'll teach Nick great things! I kinda want to be like you when I grow up to be a mom. I miss you so much!

Gini said...

I am totally feeling you right now Bekah, Carter is in a less than desirable aggressive phase...he's about to get kicked out of preschool and nursery! I guess all there is to do is pray and hang in there and try try try to keep self-control when you just want to scream! Let me know if anything works...!